Monday, October 10, 2005

20 Super Hot Ways To Make More Money FromYour Airbrush Customers

1. Insert a brochure for another product in the first
product package your customer buys from you.

2. Sell a basic product and tell people for a little
more money they can receive the deluxe edition.

3. Give your customers a free subscription to your
e-zine and include back end products in each issue.

4. Charge people extra money to get the reproduction

5. Send your customers greeting cards at holidays
with your back end product offer included.

6. Offer your customers a discount if they buy more
than one of the same product.

7. Include a back end product offer on your online
"thank you" page.

8. Give people a huge discount to your subscription
product if they subscribe for a longer period of time.

9. Send your customer a free surprise gift with your
back end product offer included.

10. Give your customers a discount if they buy over
a certain number of any products.

11. Publish a back end product offer inside any of
the information products you sell.

12. Group your products together in package deals
to make more profit form each sale.

13. Include a back end product offer inside your
"customer's only" online club.

14. Join someone else's affiliate program and use it
as an upsell or back end product.

15. Follow-up with your customers to see if they're
happy and offer them another product.

16. Offer people a free sample of your product and
tell them they will get a discount if they order now.

17. Send your customers a "thank you" e-mail with
a back end offer attached.

18. Offer your customers add-on products like gift
wrapping, batteries, imprinting, etc.

19. Allow your customers the option of signing up
to your "future product offers list".

20. Explain to people that for extra money, they can
extend the guarantee or warranty of the product.

Airbrush Marketing Tip - Discounts and sales always gets customers interested.

Use the words "discount/sale" in your ad. People
want to find bargains. They could be rebates, one
time sales, percentage offers, get-one-free offers,
etc. For example, you could say, "Get a 50%
rebate if you order before (date)!" Another example
would be, "Order before our buy-one-get-one-
free sale ends!"

Sell the sizzle...airbrush marketing tip.

Most people want to invest in their future. Tell
your prospects to "invest in your product" instead
of "buy our product". For example, you could say
"It will be the smartest investment you've ever
made!" Another example, "This will be your most
profitable investment of 2005!"

Looking for other ways to market your airbrush business? If so, the keep coming back for more tips.

Great Airbrush Marketing Tip

Give your prospects discount coupons on other
products when they purchase your product. It could
be your products or other businesses you made
deals with. Just contact other related businesses and
propose your idea to them. They may do the same
for your business too.

For more great information and help marketing your airbrush products, visit