Thursday, March 03, 2005

How to get cheap, but effective advertising!

Cheap advertising can be yours, but you have to look for it. Sometimes you have to be creative. For example, a good way to get advertising is to sponsor a school or community service event. You can give them some designs, or for a small donation, the organization will provide you with a print ad that goes out in the publicity materials to all participants. This way, you might be able to get a print ad for $25-$50, which is a considerable deal when you consider what advertising rates in newspapers run. You may even be able to get a stall for that donation.

I find that it is easier to give away product and services, than to give away cash. For instance, it would be better to give away a "GIFT VOUCHER worth $100!!!". The reason is that, the cost to you in labor, materials, supplies ect. may only add up to $20-$30. This is far better than giving $100 in cash.


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